Published onSeptember 27, 2021Five Skills Needed To Move Up in Technical LeadershipinsightsMoving through the career of a technical lead requires a balance of team and stakeholder management across these five key aspects.
Published onSeptember 2, 2021A Cloud Native CI/CD FlowarchitectureCI CD is considered a tenet of software engineering, but continuous deployment is often ignored. Combined with the power of cloud native architecture, we examine tooling to achieve CI CD CD.
Published onAugust 28, 2021Launching A SonarQube Docker ContainerdockerarchitectureLets cover the basics of getting SonarQube running as a Docker container, along with some of its advantage.
Published onAugust 26, 2021Developer Cheat SheetengineeringMy personal developer cheat sheet with shortcuts for common tasks.
Published onAugust 25, 2021A Curated List of The Best FREE Blogging Resources I Use EverydayinsightsWhether you are trying to start a blog or just looking for some good blogging resources for free, here is my personally curated list to help.